Hi Mohammed,
Thank you for your question and interest in the Swedish engagement with standardisation organisation within the IoT area. I hope I can provide an answer to your first question.
The primary Swedish organisation, with official mandate to work with standardisation within the area of IoT and Digital Twins, is TK IoT hosted by SEK, Svensk Elstandardisering. TK IoT votes on behalf of Sweden on international standardisation suggestions from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41 - Internet of Things and Digital Twins. Among other things TK IoT will try to finalise an official Swedish vocabular for IoT this year that aligns with the official international IoT vocabular. TK IoT have also nominated candidates to participate in ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41. TK IoT is open for any organisation. Just get in contact with SEK to get information on how to become a member.
In the international work of SC41, Sweden is leading AG21, an international expert group with responsibility for IoT and Digital Twins within Smart Cities and utilities (public transportation, electricity, waste management, water etc). Sweden also has the project leadership for next version of ISO/IEC 30141, the international reference architecture för IoT. We are also involved in setting up a Joint Working Group between ISO/IEC JTC1, IEC SyC Smart Cities and ITU-T regarding City Information Modelling and Urban Digital Twins. The JWG will do a GAP analysis on existing standards for Local Digital Twins, form the base for an international reference architecture and give advice to various standardisation organisation on how to develop and alight their standards within the area. Sweden is also convening a very important work with ISO/IEC 30179 dealing with issues regarding interoperability within the IoT area.
We also have a "sister organisation" to TK IoT called "Arbetsgruppen Standarder & Plattformar". The purpose of that working group is to discuss standardisation issues in a more "consumer friendly" way. AG S&P also discuss various interesting topics regarding IoT, Digital Twins and Smart Cities and meet once a month. AG S&P will now also be sister organisation and a "Vendor network" in coopertion with the "Buyer network" within RISE Smart City Lab. AG S&P is also open for everyone interested. Just give me a shout to get invitations and links to the AG S&P meetings.
Another important Swedish engagement is in the European work within Living-IN-EU and OASC regarding MIM:s, Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms and European Dataspaces. Here RISE Smart City Lab is taking a lead, trying to contribute to the European work and prepare Swedish organisations to take part in upcoming European Calls with fundings. There is also an important engagement in Destination Earth, using data from Copernicus to create a Digital Twin of the Earth. Also, to use such data for Swedish Local Digital Twins.
Right now, we are also on the initiative of Internetstiftelsen and RISE trying to put more efforts into a Nordic Chapter for W3C, World Wide Web Consortium with the goal to align work within W3C with other ongoing national and international activities.
Regarding your question 2, about Swedish engagement in Industrial Internet Consortium, OpenFog Consortium, and the Open Connectivity Foundation I have no insight. However I would be happy to engage and interact, should you or anyone else in this forum have input or relevant contacts.
Torbjörn Lahrin